Use our checklist to see if you are eligible to qualify for a free air source heat pump
It's easy to find out if you qualify for our free air source heat pump offer*.
If you're a homeowner...
You're likely to be eligible if you heat your home using one of the following:
electric storage heaters
room heaters
open fires
electric warm air system
electric underfloor or ceiling heating (not connected to an electric boiler)
Oil boiler
LPG boiler
electric boiler
solid fuel boiler
You are in receipt of any means-tested benefits below:
Child Benefit
Child Tax Credit
Housing Benefit
Jobseekers Allowance
Incomed related Employment and Support Allowance
Income Support
Pension Credit Guarantee
Pensions Credit Savings Credit
Universal Credit
Working Tax Credit
Child benefit income and household threshold:
If you are on a low income and have a high cost of heating your home, or on a low income and vulnerable to the cold because of age, illness or disability, you may also be eligible.
If the above applies to you, please apply now.
Please note that we may need to confirm further eligible details with you during the application process, and that a technical feasibility assessment will need to be made of your property.
If you're a private tenant
If you meet the criteria above you may also be eligible for the scheme. We will also need to secure your landlord's permission AND they may need to make a financial contribution towards the scheme. Please register your interest and we can discuss it further with you.
If you're a social tenant
The Warm Homes Manchester programme can't install air source heat pumps into individual socially rented properties. However, if you don't currently have a heat pump then please ask your landlord to get in touch with us at or 0800 107 8575 as we may be able to work with them directly to assist you.
*Installation of a free air source heat pump is subject to a number of further eligibility checks and a site survey or technical feasibility assessment.​
If you're not eligible through the criteria above, you may still qualify through ECO4 flexible eligibility. You could meet the criteria through one of the routes below:
Household combined income: Households living in a SAP band rated D, E, F or G home, with a combined gross income from all sources under £31,000.
NHS referal: Households living in band D, E, F or G homes and identified as suffering from a severe and/or long-term health condition that could be severely impacted by living in a cold home.